Policing Services

Policing in the County of Annapolis is provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The RCMP in Annapolis County is committed to community-based policing and work in partnership with residents to address their needs.  With this in mind, the detachment offers a number of proactive crime prevention services. 

The Annapolis County Detachment's main working centre is located in the Bridgetown office with a sub-office in Middleton and is home to approximately 30 RCMP members, including Street Crime Enforcement Unit, a full-time Community Programs Officer, a Senior Safety Coordinator, and a School Safety Resource Officer. 

Their offices are located at:

552 Granville Street East
Bridgetown, NS
B0S 1C0
(902) 665-4481

131 Commercial Street
Middleton, NS
B0S 1P0
(902) 825-2000