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Bylaw Enforcement / Animal Control

The Bylaw Enforcement / Animal Control Officer responds to bylaw related issues: Dogs (Animal Control), Noise Bylaw, various Policies and Bylaws as directed by Municipal Council, as well as assists the Administrator for Dangerous and Unsightly Premises. Through education, we aim to make our Municipality a safer place for the residents, employees and properties within the County.

The following County Bylaws are enforced through issuance of Summary Offence Tickets:

C8 - Alternative Voting Bylaw
A4 - Cat Bylaw
S10 - Civic Address Bylaw
S6 - Commercial Activity on Municipal Property Bylaw

A1 - Dog Bylaw
A2 - Livestock at Large Bylaw
P1 - Mobile Home Bylaw
S5 - Noise Bylaw
S1 - Waste Management Bylaw
Bylaw 2 - Marketing Levy

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206 2063899 cute kitten images hdTrap-Neuter-Return Program
OIPLost and Found Dogs and Cats

DangerousDangerous & Unsightly Premises


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Cruelty concerns/complaints such as abandonment, neglect or abuse must be reported to the Provincial SPCA Office at 902-835-4798 or toll-free 1-888-703-7722 or animals@spcans.ca 

Farm Animal Welfare Concerns:

To report a farm animal in distress, contact provincial animal welfare inspectors (with Department of Environment and Climate Change):

Phone: 902-956-1165
Email: FAW@novascotia.ca
(monitored from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm)

If you are having a problem with raccoons or other wildlife, contact Nova Scotia Natural Resources and Renewables at 902-584-2229.