Let's shed some light on your search

Subscribe button smallOur News Mailing System was specifically built for residents to choose and manage the types of information and important updates they wish to receive from the Municipality - You are in complete control, and can subscribe and unsubscribe at any time.  Rather than have one very long mailing that comes at a predetermined time, we have broken down our communications into many different categories so that you can subscribe to the ones that affect or interest you most.  Staff will periodically send important updates from their various departments when a change takes place that you need to be made aware of.

Here are some basic descriptions of the types of information you will receive by subscribing to each of the lists below:

County Happenings
General information about Council, community meetings and government. 
This information may be sent out monthly or quarterly.

Information and updates about recreation programs and activities as they happen.

Planning Areas
Updates and information that pertain to specific planning areas.

Municipal Elections
Important updates and alerts that new information has been posted regarding elections.
This list will only be active during the elections period

County Water Systems
Alerts and updates by community area for repairs or maintenance to water systems - boil orders, main breaks, etc.

Waste Water Treatment Systems
Alerts and updates by community area for repairs or maintenance to waste water systems.

Annapolis Regional Emergency Management Organization (REMO)
Click here to go to their website to sign up for the Alertable app. 
Receive in-the-moment emergency alerts and information in the event of a disaster.

Choose your lists to subscribe to:

** By signing up for the News Mailing System and providing your name and Email address, you agree to receive emails from us. We will never share your information with anyone, and you can manage your subscriptions at anytime. See our privacy policy for further details. You are confirming you are 18 years of age or older and authorizing us to send emails.