2016 Census - Statistics CanadaDwelling Counts for Annapolis County
(To see the coverage area for the Census Subdivision Areas see the population map under the Maps & Statistics, Population Tab)
Total Dwellings - 10,047
Total Dwellings Occupied by Usual Residents - 8,188
Annapolis Subdivsion A
- Total Dwellings - 3412
- Occupied by Usual Residents - 2747
Annapolis Subdivision B
- Total Dwellings - 2342
- Occupied by Usual Residents - 1949
Annapolis Subdivision C
- Total Dwellings - 2488
- Occupied by Usual Residents - 2178
Annapolis Subdivision D
- Total Dwellings - 1805
- Occupied by Usual Residents - 1314
Town of Annapolis Royal
- Total Dwellings - 346
- Occupied by Usual Residents - 294
Town of Middleton
- Total Dwellings - 995
- Occupied by Usual Residents - 892
Bear River (Part) 6 (IRI)
- Total Dwellings - 53
- Occupied by Usual Residents 52
Bear River 6B (IRI)
- Total Dwellings - 3
- Occupied by Usual Residents 3