County joins Mapannapolis and Parks Canada to observe local history

Scroll down to see  Acadian Heritage celebration Acadie: Discover its Vibrant History - - Port-Royal: Cradle of Acadie info.

Please note, in the event of rain, the locations will be changed to the Port Royal Legion, Branch #21 (66 Victoria St., Annapolis Royal).

Charles Fort Event:

Tuesday, August 20, 1-3 pm, Fort Anne National Historic Site (323 St. George St., Annapolis Royal)

Charles Fort PDF 002 1

Charles Fort PDF 002 2


Acadian Heritage Celebration: Acadie: Discover its Vibrant History - - Port-Royal: Cradle of Acadie

Tuesday, August 27, 1-3 pm, Fort Anne National Historic Site (323 St. George St., Annapolis Royal)

Acadian Event pdf 004
