
The Annapolis Valley Regional Library (AVRL) is an organization which manages libraries in the region and is funded by the Province of Nova Scotia, the County of Annapolis, and other Municipal units. The area this that is covered is Annapolis County, Kings County, and District of West Hants.

The County of Annapolis has five main libaries, four public libraries managed by AVRL and the Lovett Library (Law Library accessible to the public). This does not include libraries at the public schools or either Nova Scotia Community College in the County.

Library Name Location
Lovett Library 396 Main Street, Lawrencetown
Annapolis Royal Library 285 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal
Bridgetown & Area Library 38 Queen Street, Bridgetown
Dr. Frank W. Morse Memorial Library 489 Main Street, Lawrencetown
Rosa M. Harvey Middleton & Area Library 45 Gates Avenue, Middleton
