Municipal Council Highlights and Warden's Final Report - October 15, 2024

Joint Police Advisory Board – Municipal Council endorsed the concept of a joint police advisory board structure with the Town of Middleton, and that a proposed committee terms of reference be brought forward to council for a final review and potential adoption.

Inter-municipal Joint Inclusion Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Strategy – Municipal Council approved the October 2024 Inter-municipal Joint Inclusion Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Strategy.

Anti-Poverty and Inclusion Working Group – Municipal Council endorsed the concept paper for the development of an Anti-Poverty and Inclusion Working Group as part of the County of Annapolis’ 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.

J-Class Roads Cost Sharing Agreement – Municipal Council agreed to notify Nova Scotia Public Works to advise the County does not wish to participate in the J-Class Road Re-paving of Subdivision Streets Program in 2025-26.

Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia – Upon consensus of Municipal Council, it was agreed a letter would be sent to outgoing Lt. Governor of Nova Scotia, the Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, thanking him for his service to the people of Nova Scotia and to Canada; as well as a letter to Mr. Mike Savage, acknowledging being the newly appointed Lt. Governor of Nova Scotia, as announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on October 13, 2024.   

Bear River Water Project Easement - Municipal Council authorized the Warden and the Municipal Clerk to sign an easement agreement with the Bear River Agricultural Society on behalf of the Municipality for the Bear River Water Project.

Offer to Partner on Housing Developments - Municipal Council authorized entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with Rooted: Community Development Partner, to seek ways to advance affordable housing projects together in Annapolis County.

Community Grants:

RCL Branch 112 Lawrencetown - Municipal Council approved a grant to the RCL Branch 112 Lawrencetown in the amount of $14,237 to assist with emergency roof replacement for the hall. The funding was approved as an over expenditure in the Community Grant budget in 2024/25.

For further details on the featured highlights, please click here to view agenda packages.


Warden’s Update
October 2024

I was first elected in 2012 and re-elected in 2016 and 2020. As Councillors know, the feelings of relief, gratitude, and determination after having received the confidence of your citizens are ones that last. For a little boy from Cape Breton who had experienced previous careers involving participation in various atmospheres, election provided an opportunity to contribute to enhancing the lives of the citizens of District six and Annapolis County as a whole.

The experience has been enjoyable, exhilarating, satisfying, and filled with potential for future such progress.

Being selected as Warden of the County only intensified my determination to use all resources at my personal and professional reach to make positive advances. At this point, I must mention the Chief Administrative Officer and County staff; to a “t”, they are professional and anxious to be of maximum assistance.

With Council colleagues and staff members there has been a collegial atmosphere that has facilitated the creation of positivism a sine qua non to success.

As the only member of the entering council of 2012 to serve continuously since that time, I have been privileged to witness advancement from concept to implementation. I have also learned from less than positive results.

I thank all citizens of Annapolis County who have initiated, organized, participated in, and looked to the future with a high degree of expectation. I also wish to express my appreciation to all organizations: first responders, such as police and fire, and those who have ensured that our community halls live on. It is their accomplishments that will continue to ensure Annapolis County will remain a thriving place in which to live and experience enjoyment.

To my Council colleagues I thank you for your patience, for your support, and for your positive understanding of municipal matters.  I will always have fond memories. Oh, by the way, did I mention how patient you have been at our various meetings?

I leave with a sense of satisfaction that I have been able to contribute in a substantive manner.

I wish each of you and the members of the 2024-2028 Council the best of good wishes.
