Council Highlights June 2024

Appointment of Development Officer Municipal Council appointed Katharine August as Development Officer for the Municipality of the County of Annapolis.

Municipal Heritage Registration (Whitman Cemetery): Municipal Council will refer the Whitman Cemetery Heritage Property Application to the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) for review and consideration for recommendation to include in the Annapolis County Registry of Heritage Properties.

Funding for Compost Cart Replacement - Municipal Council authorized that the 2022/23 compost cart replacement be funded from the operating reserve in the amount of $18,949.

New Cost-Shared Paving Program Portion (Granville St., Bridgetown): Municipal Council will submit a 0.75-kilometre portion of Granville Street, Bridgetown, for re-paving under the new 5-year trunks and routes provincial re-paving program at an estimated cost of $450,000.

Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting (Habitation Community Planning Documents) – Municipal Council has called a PAC meeting for July 3, 2024, at 6pm, at the Lower Granville Community Hall (3551 Granville Rd., Port Royal) for consideration of the Habitation planning documents.

Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting (Upper Clements Area Planning Documents) – Municipal Council has called a PAC meeting for July 10, 2024, at 6pm, at the Upper Clements Community Hall (2951 Hwy 1, Upper Clements) for consideration of the Upper Clements planning documents.

Municipal Innovation Program Funding Application – Municipal Council authorized an application, along with Town of Annapolis Royal and Town of Middleton, to the Municipal Innovation Program for 75% funding for an Economic Development Coordinator position for a one-year term.

2023-2027 4-Year Strategic Priorities Plan – Year One Accountability Report can be viewed in agenda package.

Bridgetown School Trust BRCS Award Payouts Bridgetown School Trust Payout to BRCS – Municipal Council authorized payment from the Bridgetown School Trust to the Bridgetown Regional Community School (BRCS) in the amount of $8,893.

Bridgetown School Trust BRCS Award Payouts Bridgetown School Trust Payout for Scholarships/Awards - Municipal Council authorized payment up to $2,800 for scholarships/awards recipients upon attendance of post-secondary education.

Community Grants:

Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation in the amount of $10,000, to complete year five of five of a multi-year commitment in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

South Shore Annapolis Valley Recreational Trail Association - Municipal Council approved a grant to the South Shore Annapolis Valley Recreational Trail Association in the amount of $10,000 to help support trail repair and maintenance in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Three Rivers Community Centre - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Three Rivers Community Centre in the amount of $18,299.10 to help support the purchase and installation of a single-phase dishwasher in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Annapolis Region Community Arts Council - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Annapolis Region Community Arts Council in the amount of $5,000 to help support repairs to the ARTSPLACE Gallery located in Annapolis Royal in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Paradise Community Hall Association - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Paradise Community Hall Association in the amount of $10,000 to help support roof repairs to the building in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Lawrencetown Exhibition Youth Arena - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Lawrencetown Exhibition Youth Arena in the amount of $8,000 to help support upgrades to the ice plant and electrical entrance in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Bridgetown Curling Club - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Bridgetown Curling Club in the amount of $5,000 to help support floor painting, new electrical control valve, and a jet ice water treatment system in accordance with Policy 101Communtiy Grants.

Paradise Historical Society - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Paradise Historical Society in the amount of $20,000 to help purchase a vertical shaft unit to support the installation of a vertical accessible lift in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Centrelea Community Club - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Centrelea Community Club in the amount of $10,000 to help support renovations to improve heating and electrical systems in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Annapolis Valley Exhibition Society - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Annapolis Valley Exhibition Society in the amount of $20,000 to help support renovations to public washrooms, main entrance and office areas in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Granville Ferry Community Association - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Granville Ferry Community Association in the amount of $11,032.65 to help support roof repair, water damage repairs, and new door for south entrance in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

 Annapolis County Trails Society - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Annapolis County Trails Society in the amount of $10,000 to help support trail maintenance along sections of the Harvest Moon Trail in Annapolis County in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Port George Regional Recreation Centre - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Port George Regional Recreation Centre in the amount of $5,000 to help support the installation of a heat pump, in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Cottage Cove District Wharf Society - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Cottage Cove District Wharf Society in the amount of $20,000 to help support phase two of wharf repairs in Annapolis County in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Clarence Community Club - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Clarence Community Club in the amount of $5,000 to help support the installation of heat pumps and pavilion upgrades, in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Wharf Rat Rally Motorcycle Association - Municipal Council approved a grant to The Wharf Rat Rally Motorcycle Association in the amount of $2,500 help with marketing costs for the annual Wharf Rat Rally, in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Federation acadienne de la Nouvelle-Ecosse - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Federation acadienne de la Nouvelle-Ecosse in the amount of $2,500 to help support the purchase of interpretive panels, in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Valley Doulas & Kings County Family Resource Centre - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Valley Doulas & Kings County Family Resource Centre in the amount of $2,500 to help support post-partum and support programs, in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

Clean Annapolis River Project Society - Municipal Council approved a grant to the Clean Annapolis River Project Society in the amount of $5,000 to help support the annual Annapolis River Festival, in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

The Age Advantage Association - Municipal Council approved a grant to The Age Advantage Association in the amount of $5,000 to help support marketing costs for “MapAnnapolis”, in accordance with Policy 101 Community Grants.

For further details on the featured highlights, please click here to view agenda packages.
