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Committee of the Whole Highlights: July 12, 2016

This document represents highlights taken from the July 12, 2016, Committee of the Whole (COTW) meeting. Please be advised, the items featured in this document are only recommendations to Municipal Council. Final approval will not be determined until Municipal Council on July 19, 2016.

·       It was recommended that the Municipality issue tax receipts to the list of donors who contributed to the Bridgetown Jubilee Park Floating Dock Project, as circulated.

·      It was recommended that the Trap-Neuter-Return Program proceed for the 2016-17 fiscal year.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council authorize the release of $20,000 from the Fire Services Capital Reserve to the Annapolis Royal Volunteer Fire Department to purchase wildlife protective gear.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council authorize the release of approximately $59,000 from the Fire Services Capital Reserve to the North Queens Fire Association to make payment on their outstanding loan.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council approve a grant in the amount of $2,400 to the Royal Canadian Legion, Brach #21 Clementsport.

·      Municipal Election update: It was recommended that Municipal Council approve the Tariff of Fees and Expenses in the amount of $26,826.52 relating to the 2016 Municipal Election on October 15, 2016. For more information on the Municipal election visit AnnapolisCounty.ca or contact Carolyn Young, Returning Officer, at (902) 532-3136 or elections@annapoliscounty.ca

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council approve a grant in the amount $25,000 to the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board Bridgetown New Playground Committee.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council provide a letter supporting the ongoing work being done by the Age Advantage Association.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council suspend all regular committee meetings in August, noting that this does not include Municipal Council nor does it prohibit holding special meetings or meetings usually required in August due to the nature of the committee.

·      Robbie Bays, Oakdene Centre Project Director, presented Municipal Council with an update on the Oakdene Centre project presently underway. It was recommended that Municipal Council provide a letter in support of the Oakdene Centre project’s application of funds from Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), subject to the Municipality’s review of the application.

·      Jennifer D’Aubin, Bridgetown Area Chambers of Commerce President, provided highlights on what will be happening at the 2016 Ciderfest.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council approve an amount of up to $500 for each Heritage Advisory Committee citizen member (two) to attend the three-day Provincial Heritage Conference (Wolfville, NS) in September.

·      Annapolis County resident Roberta Patey turned 100-years-old on July 6th. The Warden will send a letter of congratulations on behalf of the County of Annapolis.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council approve the County’s share of the Junction Rd. shoulder-widening by NS Department of Infrastructure & Renewal of $56,091.10 (+ HST) to be funded by Gas Tax.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council provide a letter in support of the Bridgetown Community Recreation Association’s (Bridgetown Arena) application of funds from Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), subject to the Municipality’s review of the application.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council authorize the Warden and the Clerk to sign the Letter of Intent for the Annapolis Basin Waterfront Development project and the CAO sign the Terms of Reference.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council authorize the Warden and the Clerk to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the Annapolis Valley Regional Library Board.