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Citizen Appointment Applications

MUNICIPAL Appointments              PROVINCIAL Appointments


Municipal Appointments

If you are interested in being involved in local government and helping to make decisions to better your community, there are several committees to which you may apply to become a citizen member.  Click here to view Policy 121 Citizen Appointments to Committees. 

Committee descriptions can be found in policies on our website. Click on Government, then Policies. The County will advertise vacancies on its website, Facebook page, and via other media. 

Options to submit the application:
Drop Box:  752 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal
Mail:  P.O. Box 100, Annapolis Royal, NS  B0S 1A0
Fax:  902-532-2096
Email:  nominatingcommittee@annapoliscounty.ca 

As a committee member, you will:  work in a team environment; listen to and be respectful of the opinion of others; communicate effectively and constructively; and make recommendations to Council.  An honorarium and reimbursement of travel expenses is provided.

It is important to understand that some committees may not meet during the appointment period; however, Council makes every effort to "populate" committees so as to be ready to act should the need arise.

If successful, you will be required to provide your SIN for payment purposes.  You will receive a T4 Form before February 28th of each year.

By submitting your application, you are authorizing the Municipality of the County of Annapolis to provide your qualifications to the Nominating Committee and evaluators as required to fill the vacancy(ies), and understand that all or part of the application may be made available to the public in accordance with Part XX of the Municipal Government Act (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy).

For further information or to obtain a hard copy application form, calling 902-532-0815 or email nominatingcommittee@annapoliscounty.caClick here to complete the online Citizen Appointments to Boards and Committees Application Form. 



Provincial Appointments

The Government of Nova Scotia’s Fall 2024 ABC advertising campaign kicked-off on Saturday, September 14, 2024.

The deadline for applications to adjudicative ABCs is Tuesday, October 22, 2024.  Applications for non-adjudicative ABCs will be accepted at any time but it is expected screening will begin soon after the campaign closes.

If you have any questions, please contact the Governance and Accountability Unit.

Email: ECOGAU@novascotia.ca

ABC Inquiries: (902) 424-4877 or Toll Free: 1-866-206-6844

ABC Web Application Login: https://novascotia.ca/apps/abc/ABCs-Online/Login.aspx

2. ABC Print Ad French

 Fall 2024 ABC Advertisement list
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