Board or Committee Applied forAudit CommitteeBridgetown Area Advisory CommitteeSource Water Protection Advisory Committee Glyphosate Ad Hoc CommitteeMarketing Levy Ad Hoc Committee Make a selection from the dropdown listWhat section under the committee’s terms of ref. applies to you?The Committee’s Terms of Reference can be found on this website under the drop down menu: Government - Policies. Full NameCivic Address (include Postal Code)Mailing Address (including Postal Code)EmailPhoneSecondary PhoneLength of Residence in the Municipality of the County of AnnapolisWhy are you interested in joining this committee and why do you think you would be a good fit?Confirmation of Eligibility and QualificationsFull age of 18 yearsOrdinarily resident in Annapolis County for a minimum of 6 months (183 days) prior to date of applicationSelf-Identification (Optional) We are committed to ensuring the communities we serve are represented, and welcome applications from racially visible persons, persons with disabilities, members of other traditionally under-represented groups. If you wish, you may self-identify by selecting one or more of the following optionsSelf-IdentificationIndigenousBlack / African Nova ScotianVisibly Racialized Person with DisabilityImmigrantWomenNewcomer *Young Adult (18-25)2SLGBTQ+OtherOther*meaning a person having moved to the Province of Nova Scotia within the last five years By submitting your application, you are authorizing the Municipality of the County of Annapolis to provide your qualifications to the Nominating Committee and evaluators as required to fill the citizen vacancy, and understand that all or part of this application may be made available to the public in accordance with the federal Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the provincial Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.Your type written name will act as your signatureDate of ApplicationApplications must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m on the advertised closing date to: Nominating Committee, Municipality of the County of Annapolis ATTN: Kelly Kempton, Administrative Clerk 752 St George Street, P.O. Box 100, Annapolis Royal, NS B0S 1A0 E-mail: | Fax: 902-532-2096 Persons applying to become a member of the Police Advisory Board may be contacted to arrange an interview. All applicants will be notified following the decision of Council For clarification or questions, please contact | 902-532-0815 SubmitClear and Reset Form