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Tax Sale Information

Tax Accounts that are two (2) years in arrears are subject to Tax Sale Proceedings and may be sold at Public Auction or Public Tender. The Municipality conducts tax sales annually in February.  If the taxes remain unpaid, the property is advertised in local papers prior to the tax sale. Tax sale notices are mailed by ordinary mail to the last known address. If no address is known, the notice may be posted on the premises.  Once a date has been established for the next tax sale, you will be able to access an up to date listing of properties up for Tax Sale. The tax sale is a public auction or public tender with the successful bid being the highest bid at or above the total of all outstanding taxes, interest and expenses (tax sale costs). Only at the end of the redemption period, if the property has not been redeemed, will the title pass to the successful bidder.

The Municipality has the power to conduct tax sales through the Municipal Government Act. Click here  to see the relevant section in the Act.

Frequently Asked Questions:

: How are tax sale properties disposed of?
Answer:   These properties are disposed through public auction or public tender. At a public auction, you simply show up on the announced date and, as at any other auction, you bid on any property you are interested in. As with tenders, the highest bidder is the successful purchaser of the property. With public tenders, you essentially submit a bid in which you state how much you are prepared to pay for a particular piece of property. The bid is then brought or mailed to us. On a predetermined date your tender is opened and, if you are the highest bidder, you are the successful purchaser of the property.

Question: Can the municipality bid or tender on a tax sale property?
Answer:   A municipality may, with council authorization, bid or tender on a property being offered for sale.

Question: Is there a Deed Transfer Tax payable if one is the successful purchaser at a tax sale?
Answer:   No, Deed Transfer Tax is not payable on tax sale properties.

Question: What fees are associated with a tax sale?
Answer:   The fees associated with a tax sale includes taxes, interest to date, posting of the tax sale notice on the     property, title search fee performed by our Solicitor, advertising costs for a two week period, cost to register the Certificate of Sale, cost to prepare deed and cost of Solicitor to conduct sale. 

Question: If I am the successful bidder, what method of payment can I use?
Answer:   Payment at a tax sale must be by cash, certified cheque, money order, bank draft or lawyer's trust cheque.

Question: If I am successful bidder, am I required to pay the entire bid amount at the tax sale?
Answer:   The purchaser at a tax sale must immediately pay an amount equal to the taxes, interest and expenses for which the land was sold. The balance of the purchase money must be paid within three (3) business days.

Question: Is the original owner notified that their property has been sold?
Answer:   Yes, a copy of the certificate of sale will be served on each owner of the property sold along with a notice that the property may be redeemed within six months (if the property is less than six (6) years in arrears).

Question: What happens to the property if there is no successful purchaser at a tax sale?
Answer:   Should there be no interest in the property, or no one successfully bids on it, the Treasurer shall call Tender or place on the tax sale list for the following year.

Question: Can the original owner ever redeem the property if I'm the successful purchaser?
Answer:   If the property is less than 6 years in arrears the original owner does have the right to redeem the property six months from the date of sale.