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Committee of the Whole Highlights: November 10, 2015

This document represents highlights taken from the November 10, 2015, Committee of the Whole (COTW) session. 
Please be advised, the items featured in this document are only recommendations to Municipal Council. Final approval will not be determined until Municipal Council on November 17, 2015.

·      Yvonne Smith, CEO YMCA Southwest Nova, presented Council with the Fundy YMCA’s 2nd Quarterly Financial Report.

·      Lillian Stewart and Wayne Melanson, Parks Canada, provided a list of planned events for the Port-Royal National Historic Site 75th Anniversary in 2016 and discussed different ways the County and Parks Canada could collaborate to support the anniversary events.

·      Levi Cliche, Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP) Executive Director, provided a brief update on CARP’s activities and requested collaboration with the County on the following three projects through support and in-kind contributions: Stormwater Resilient Communities: Adapting to a Changing Climate; TD Green Streets Municipal Funding Program and GIS Map-Based Assessment of Riparian Health. It was recommended that Municipal Council direct staff to work with CARP to see the implementation of the projects.                                                                                                                                  
·      Deputy Minister Paul LaFleche and Phillip Cox, NS Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, met with Council to discuss the new Bridgetown school’s infrastructure.

·      The County will plant 100 tulip bulbs donated by Cornwallis Community Gardens Association in planters located in Bridgetown and Lawrencetown as part of a historical project called “Together with Tulips: Remembering the Canadian Contribution to the Liberation of Holland in 1945”.

·      A recommendation has been made to Municipal Council to direct the Dangerous & Unsightly Administrator to issue a tender to have a property located on Granville Rd., Bridgetown, to be cleaned up, the outbuilding to be cleaned out and disposed of in an appropriate manner and ensure the residential building be rendered inaccessible; with a lean placed on the property

·      It is recommended that Municipal Council direct the Dangerous & Unsightly Administrator to issue a tender to demolish a dilapidated structure on Round Hill Rd., Round Hill.

·      A recommendation has been made that Municipal Council authorize municipal staff to work in cooperation with the “Let’s Get a Playground in Nictaux Society” to create a playground and park on the land purchased by the County in 2014.

·      LED Streetlight update - As of Oct 30th, approximately 1,382 lights had been changed; leaving only 15%-20% left to complete (approx. 220 lights). It is anticipated the changeover to LED fixtures will be completed by the end of November.

·      Municipal Council is extending an invitation to Ms. Mary Jane MacKinnon, Nova Scotia Office of Immigration, to speak to Council in January. 

·      An invitation will be extended to members of the SPCA to come speak to Council.

·      The speed sign in Bridgetown is now operating.

·      Five Strategic Planning Brainstorming Session community meetings will be held to gather resident input about strategic priorities for Annapolis County:

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Wednesday, November 18th            Deep Brook Lions Hall, (948 Hwy 201, Deep Brook)

Thursday, November 19th   Annapolis Royal Regional Academy (590 St. George St., Annapolis Royal)

Tuesday, November 24th     Lawrencetown Royal Canadian Legion (490 Main St., Lawrencetown)

Wednesday, November 25th                Bridgetown Regional High School (456 Granville St., Bridgetown)

Wednesday, December 02nd                Middleton & Area Lions Hall (8921 Hwy 10, Nictaux Falls)