County Looking at Bright Future

New energy efficient street lights are coming and with a reduced cost to rate payers.

The Municipality is taking over the ownership and maintenance of all non-privately owned streetlights from Nova Scotia Power within the County’s jurisdiction and changing them over to LED fixtures; an initiative that will translate into savings in both energy and cost.

According to Warden Reg Ritchie, “it will reduce the amount of energy presently being consumed which falls directly in line with the County’s economic development strategic plan target - local energy sustainability.”

“This is truly a win-win project,” said Ritchie. “The County will be reducing its energy usage which will result in a financial savings to rate payers. These savings will be passed on to residents through a reduced streetlight rate.”  

Municipal Operations Director Stephen McInnis added that people will also notice a reduction in light pollution.  “Even though the LED fixture emits a brighter light, it is more concentrated to the immediate area under the streetlight reducing unnecessary excess light pollution.”

The County will fund 50% of the project through borrowing over a 10-year period. The remaining 50% of the project will be funded through a grant.  The net savings realized by this funding method and energy savings will be passed on to rate payers.

In addition to the cost of installing new energy efficient street lights the County will pay a stranded asset cost which means paying the value of the old streetlight (asset) at the time the streetlight is changed to the new LED. This has been pre-calculated by the Provincial government and is a standard calculation across Nova Scotia.

This project does not include privately-owned streetlights (lights that face private property). If someone wishes to inquire about a private streetlight they must contact Nova Scotia Power.

“This is definitely a ‘good news’ project for the betterment of Annapolis County,” said Ritchie. “We are excited to be able to undertake an initiative that truly will have long-term benefits.”

The contractor, Black and McDonald, started the streetlight changeover on September 15th. It is anticipated the project will take about six months to complete.

If anyone has questions regarding the LED Streetlight project, please contact the Municipality at (902) 665-4704.

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