Municipal Council Highlights - March 18, 2025
Budget 2025-26:
Proposed 2025-26 Operating Budget - Municipal Council approved the proposed 2025-2026 operating budget reflecting revenues of $27,304,576 and expenditures of $27,304,576.
2025-26 Tax Rate - Municipal Council approved the 2025-2026 operating budget base taxation rates for all residential and resource assessments of $1.025 per $100 of assessment, and a commercial tax rate of $1.80 of $100 of assessment.
Area Rate (Bridgetown) - Municipal Council approved the 2025-2026 operating budget area rates for all residential and resource assessments of 34.07 per $100 of assessment, and a commercial tax rate of 55.81 of $100 of assessment.
A taxation area rate for all properties in the Assessment District 12 (Lawrencetown) of the amount to be approved by Lawrencetown Village Commission.
Fire Hydrant Tax Rate – Municipal Council approved the fire hydrant taxation rates for the 2025-2026 fiscal year based on $100 of assessment as follows:
- Margaretsville (District 2) 18.69 cents
- Inglewood (District 3) 18.90 cents
- Granville Ferry (District 4/5) 17.05 cents
- Carleton Corner (District 7) 15.40 cents
- Church St., Bridgetown N (District 3) 14.43 cents
- Middleton (District 2/10) 19.34 cents
- Cornwallis Park (District 6) 22.82 cents
- Bridgetown (District 3/7) 30.68 cents
Area Rate (Streetlights) - Municipal Council approved the 2025-2026 operating budget area rate for the provision of streetlights per $100 assessment accounts of 3.41 cents.
Fire Rate - Municipal Council approved the fire taxation rates for the 2025-2026 fiscal year based on $100 of assessments.
- Kingston Fire Commission (District 1/11) To be determined by Fire Commission
- Fire Capital (All Districts) 6.11 cents
Area Rate (Street Paving) – Municipal Council approved street paving taxation rates for the 2025-2026 fiscal year based on $100 of assessment as follows:
- Chipman/Baxter (District 1) 5.07 cents
- Cameron Dr. (District 1) 2.07 cents
- Brookside/Pine Grove (District 1) 5.30 cents
- Bradley Street (District 1) 3.44 cents
- Ward Estates (District 11) $269.11 (lump sum)
Property Tax Due Date – Municipal Council approved the due date for property taxation bills of June 30, 2025, and that all rates and taxes outstanding after this date be subject to interest at a rate of 12% per annum.
Sewer Rate – Municipal Council approved a sewer rate for all publicly connected properties or have the ability to connect to the County sanitary sewer system of $618.42 per year; and for all properties connected or have the ability to connect to the Bridgetown sanitary sewer system, a rate of $2.80 per cubic meter plus a quarterly base rate of $24.34.
5-year Capital Investment Plan – Municipal Council approved the proposed 5-year Capital Investment Plan reflecting financial investments over 5 years of $70,170,682, and a 2025-2026 capital investment of $46,395,682.
Terms of Reference – Marketing Levy AD Hoc Committee – Municipal Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Marketing Levy Ad Hoc Committee.
Internet Project Final Reconciliation – Municipal Council authorized funding of $394,837 from the capital reserve fund for the completion of the internet project.
Tom’s Cool Bus Vendor on Municipal Property Application – Municipal Council authorized the Clerk to issue a 2025-26 Vendor on Municipal Property permit to Tom Marshall, for the operation of Tom’s Cool Bus Canteen at the Annapolis River Causeway Park in accordance with S6 Commercial Activity on Municipal Property Bylaw, and permit the canteen to stay at the park overnight for the April-October season, subject to reasonable requests from the Municipality to move it from time to time.
Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation - Municipal Council gave first reading of its intent to support the Development Agreement amendment application by Jason Milner to erect a single-family dwelling on Ben Phinney Rd., Margaretsville. A Public Hearing on this matter will be held on Tuesday, April 15th, 11am, at the Municipal Office (Council Chambers).
The following bylaw (first reading) was approved.
- Bylaw 6 Commercial Activity on Municipal Property
The following bylaw (final reading) was approved.
- Bylaw 5 Civic Address (first reading February 19, 2025)
Repeal of Bylaws:
- Repeal AM-1.2.7 Flag Flying Policy
Public Hearing (Deregistration of William Letteney House):
Deregistration of William Letteney House - Municipal Council approved to deregister the William Letteney House property (5365 Granville Road, Granvile Ferry), and remove it from the Annapolis County Municipal Registry of Heritage Properties and deposit a Notice of Deregistration in the Registry of Deeds.
Public Hearing (Rezoning of Property Located on Parker Mountain Road):
Rezoning of Property Located on Parker Mountain Rd.- Municipal Council approved an application submitted by Mr. David Hebb to rezone the property located at 33 Parker Mountain Rd. from Low Density Residential (R1) to General Mixed Use (MX) Zone which will also require an amendment to the Future Land Use Map designation from Residential (RES) to Mixed Use (MX). The map amendments will permit the reuse of the property as a repair shop.
For further details on the featured highlights, please click here to view agenda package.