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Municipal Council Approves 2025-2026 Operating Budget and 5-year Capital Investment Plan

Municipal Council’s approval of the 2025-2026 operating budget and 5-Year Capital Investment Plan means big projects, ambitious goals, and positive community growth.

“Council has given serious and extensive consideration to the budget process,” said Warden Diane LeBlanc. “Today, we (Council) have drafted a budget that was prepared and deliberated respecting fiscal responsibility, managing partnership expectation, and investing in the future of Annapolis County for the well-being of our citizens.”

The county-wide base tax rate will remain at $1.025 for residential and resources properties per $100 of assessment, and $1.80 per $100 of assessment for commercial properties. Bridgetown’s community rates will see a decrease this year to 34.07 cents for residential and resource per $100 of assessment, and 55.81 cents for commercial per $100 of assessment.

The operating budget includes increased investment in public safety, including an additional two RCMP officers, shared 25% with the Town of Middleton, and further investment in fire services. Also, increased investment in public education, public engagement, and economic development.

The sewer system user rates have increased slightly to accommodate the escalating cost associated with the operations and repairs of the aging sewer system infrastructure. This translates to an increase of 1.5% for County residents and an increase to the quarterly base rate for Bridgetown residents of 1.5%. The Bridgetown variable rate will increase $0.61 per cubic meter.

The 5-Year Capital Investment Plan focuses on critical municipal infrastructure upgrades from road rehabilitation to investing in water and sewer infrastructure. A few larger, critical projects include an upgrade to the Bridgetown sewage lagoon and exploring design work for the Granville Street project, which will eventually include replacement of the underground infrastructure and a new road.  Also, this includes upgrades to the Hollow Mountain Road Park, as well as the tennis court fencing in Bridgetown.

This year’s budget, 2025-26, marks the start of public engagement surrounding the multi-purpose recreation facility to ensure the sustainable recreation facilities in the future and support future growth and development.

“The capital plan is forceful but falls in line with positive community growth,” said LeBlanc. “Council has done their best to create a budget that reflects a balance of managing development, while limiting financial impacts on our communities.”

A detailed look at the 2025-26 budget is available on the County website.