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Municipal Council Approves 2021-22 Financial Statements

Municipal Council adopted the consolidated 2021-22 Financial Statements, year ending March 31, 2022.

The County is in a surplus position which supports the building of operational reserves for future use to stabilize cost pressures and help keep the tax rates and any increases minimized. However, throughout 2021/22, the municipality dealt with volatile operating conditions due to frequent legislative changes in response to the pandemic, as well as staff turnover.

“The 2021/22 financial statements reflect the height of operations during the pandemic,” explained Warden Alex Morrison. “As a result, spending was less than budgeted in many cases and the County received revenues from other levels of government to support the impact of the pandemic on municipalities.”

As an example, the County received a one-time, top-up payment for equalization support,  as well as the Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF – formerly known as Gas Tax). The Province also dispersed Safe Restart funding; a program to help support the impact of COVID on municipalities.

There were also significant transactions during 2021/22 that are reflected in the approved financial statements.

“It was during this fiscal year that Council undertook the sale of the Basin Centre property, acquisition of the Sports Hub as a donated asset from the Province of Nova Scotia, and the sale of the fibre internet to Xplore (formerly Xplorenet),” said Warden Morrison.

The approved 2021-22 statements will be available to view on the County website (AnnapolisCounty.ca). It is anticipated the 2022-23 Financial Statements will be approved by the end of 2023.