Council Highlights (February 21, 2023)
Agreement Execution (Church Street Sewer Main Extension): Municipal Council authorized the Warden and Clerk to execute the Investing in Canada Infrastructure (ICIP) agreement for the Church Street sewer main extension
Release Capital Reserve Funds (Middleton Fire Department) – Municipal Council approved the release of $31,115 from the Capital Fire Services Reserve Fund to the Middleton Fire Department to purchase four self-contained breathing apparatus.
King’s Transit Authority Deficit Funding 2021-22 – Municipal Council authorized the payment of the deficit from the 2021-22 fiscal year per adjusted financial statements in the amount of $78,623 from the operating reserve.
Park Trust Termination (7 Park Street, Bridgetown) – Municipal Council directed staff to hold a public meeting on March 21, 2023, at 11:00am in Council Chambers regarding the termination of a land trust dated December 13, 1887.
Citizen Appointment – Municipal Council appointed two citizen members to the Bridgetown Source Water Protection Area Advisory Committee and one to the Granville Ferry Source Water Protection Area Advisory Committee.
Fire Services Review and Issue Request for Proposal – Municipal Council approved the start of a Fire Services Review with a Request for Proposals for consulting support being put out by the end of March 2023.
Annual Reports - Municipal Council accepted the following annual reports:
- Annapolis Basin Conference Centre
- Annapolis County 4-H Council
- Annapolis County Federation of Agriculture
- Annapolis County Fire Services Association
- Juniper House
- Annapolis County Ground Search and Rescue
- Annapolis Valley Exhibition
- Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education
- Historic Gardens
- RCMP Bridgetown Detachment
- Southwest Nova Biosphere Association
- Trans County Transportation Society
- VON Community Supports
Public Hearing:
Development Agreement Amendment Application for MacBeth’s Grooming and Kennel Boarding – Upon receiving favourable recommendation from the East End Area Advisory Committee and the Planning Area Advisory Committee, Municipal Council gave second and final reading of its intent to approve the Development Agreement amendment application to amend the Macbeth’s Grooming and Kennel Boarding to permit expansion of business on the property.