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Council Highlights January 17, 2023

January 17, 2023

Governance System: Municipal Council agreed to maintain a warden system of governance.

 Boundary Review: Municipal Council authorized the Municipal Clerk to commence submission proceedings to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (NSURB) to consider the boundaries of polling districts and councillors to remain at 11.

 Release Capital Reserve Funds (Springfield Fire Department) – Municipal Council approved the release of $25,000 from the Capital Fire Services Reserve Fund to the Springfield Fire Department to complete the loan for a new tanker/pumper.

Municipal Council the following Community Grants:

  • Town of Annapolis Royal – Municipal Council approved the amount of $2,850 to assist with the Pierre Dugua Day Inauguration Weekend events from the Marketing and Promotion Partnership Programs in accordance with the Community Grants Policy.

Remuneration for Warden, Deputy Warden, and Councillors Policy Amendment:

BackgroundIn June 2020, the Remuneration for Warden, Deputy Warden, and Councillors Policy was amended to remove the base remuneration amounts for councillors. During the December 20, 2022, Council session Council approved a cost of living increase of 1.7% for councillors commencing January 1, 2023.

 Policy amendment - Municipal Council approved the amendment to the Remuneration for Warden, Deputy Warden, and Councillors Policy to reinstate the base remuneration for councillors which was a follow up to the Council motion on December 20, 2022.

Commencing on January 1, 2023

3.1       Each Councillor shall be paid $33,988 per annum.

3.2       In addition to the payment as a Councillor:

  • the Warden shall be paid a further $33,988 per annum; and
  • the Deputy Warden shall be paid a further $11,098 per annum.

Low Income Tax Exemption Policy
– Municipal Council approved to increase the exemption amount to $400 (formerly $350) and increase the allowable income amount to $27,500 (formerly $27,000); and to include the definition of total income to be equal to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) total income line.

Annapolis County Environment Impact and Climate Change Committee
– Municipal Council approve the creation of a new committee called “Annapolis County Environmental Impact and Climate Change Committee” to address related issues as referred to it by Council; to be made up of 3 councillors, and 2 citizens who preferably own land abutting the Annapolis River. The new committee will be referred to staff for development of terms of reference and other associated administrative matters.