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Xplornet Purchases County of Annapolis Internet Infrastructure

The Municipality of the County of Annapolis is pleased to announce the sale of its Internet infrastructure to Xplornet.

On March 29th, Council announced that Xplornet has purchased the County’s internet infrastructure; a $17 million dollar deal that promises to continue to provide high-quality, high-speed internet to the area.

The County took it upon itself to improve internet connectivity for local residents and businesses in 2016 when a plan was developed to design and build an open access backbone fibre network within the County boundaries.

"It is a happy day for the taxpayers of Annapolis County,” said Annapolis County Warden Alan Parish. “The County realized that it did not have the necessary manpower or expertise to attend to the many regulatory, financial, legal and administrative obligations ownership demanded, nor was it prudent to court the business risk involved in the project. Not only has the sale of the system generated a profit for the County, we anticipate that the purchaser of the system will expand the coverage beyond what we had contemplated. A very positive outcome."
Today, Council still recognizes superior internet service is a crucial tool in ensuring productive communities within the region. The recent sale of the internet infrastructure is a step in developing a long-term solution to extending fibre connectivity to every home and business in Annapolis County.

“This acquisition is part of our ongoing commitment to provide next-generation high-speed Internet to homes and businesses in Annapolis County, and across the province of Nova Scotia,” said Allison Lenehan, President and CEO, Xplornet Communications Inc. “We’re continuously investing in our fibre-to-the-premise and next-generation fixed wireless broadband networks to enable rural Canadians to connect to what matters most.”

Residents will continue to have access to service with download and upload speeds of 1Gbps at the price of $99/month (+tax).

Photo: Warden Alan Parish (left) and CAO David Dick
Xplornet Purchase of County Internet Infrastructure photo