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Do you need project funds?

Video provides information on community grants and much more

Nadine Barteaux, Nancy Chisholm, Meg Cuming, and Debra Ryan talk about grants available for community groups and community projects. LAWRENCE POWELL VIDEO

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, NS – CoVID-19 may have postponed some events and projects in 2020, but the optimistic folks at Annapolis County are helping you prepare for a post-pandemic future.

Staff are offering up a plethora of funding options that will get community groups and organizations imagining what could be and honing up on their grant-writing skills.

Normally the County would host a community information session for volunteers, but the global pandemic has forced that traditional event off the table. Never fear. Staff has come up with an alternative and you’ll feel like you were there.

It’s a video with County staffers Nadine Barteaux, Nancy Chisholm, and Debra Ryan, along with Meg Cuming from the provincial government.

They share some helpful information, including funding opportunities through the municipal, provincial, federal governments and/or selected private sector funding opportunities that can assist with community projects.

Volunteers do important work in our communities and the municipality wants to support them. There are grants available for community projects and programs at all government levels, and many private sector funding opportunities as well.

Deadlines for some of the grants are just around the corner so groups need to plan now to take advantage of funding to expand and improve opportunities in their communities.

Besides information on grants, the video touches on Annapolis County Volunteer Week and how to nominate those worthy, and the need for people to submit 2021 events for the Annapolis County Community Events Guide.

For more information, contact Nadine Barteaux, Recreation & Special Projects Officer, at nbarteaux@annapoliscounty.ca or at (902) 665-4010.