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Council Highlights: May 17, 2016

Please be advised, this document represents only highlights taken from the Municipal Council meeting. If you wish to see the Council meeting in its entirety, it will be posted to the Annapolis County Municipal Channel (AnnapolisCounty.ca).

·       Municipal Council withdrew the approved application for Centennial Dr. upgrade under the Small Communities Fund and will be resubmitting an application under the same program for the increased scope of work for Centennial Dr. sewer and storm water upgrade.

·      Municipal Council approved the sale of surplus inventory through GovDeals.ca, with any items not sold being disposed of according to regulated waste disposal practices.

·      Municipal Council awarded the Bear River Head of the Tide Sewer Extension contract to GK Morse Trucking Ltd. for the amount of $397,560.98 plus HST, and agreed that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract.

·      The price of the newly published, 3rd edition, Canoe Annapolis County Guide was set at $20 + GST.

·      Municipal Council will forward Learn Ave., Rainbow Rd., Scholar’s Rd., Learner Lane, Education Ave. and Scholar Rd. to staff to confirm all street naming regulations are followed. Upon completion of this, Council will re-visit the names and choose two that will be provided to NS Department of Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal for a final decision on the name for the new road leading to the P12 School in Bridgetown.

·      Municipal Council has allocated $14,300 from the Max Young Fund and $50,000 from the Bridgetown Operating Reserve, as approved in the County Capital Plan, to support the Bridgetown Community Recreation Association’s (BCRA) application for funding from the provincial Recreational Facility Development fund.

·      Municipal Council released $40,000 to the Port Lorne and District Volunteer Fire Department from the 2016-17 Fire Services Capital Reserve so they may pay out their existing loan for the pumper/tanker.

·      The County will be hosting a free Building Inspection Workshop. It is scheduled for May 25, 7-8 pm, in Wilmot. A second workshop will take place in the west end of the County in the fall with the date, time and location to be determined.

·      Municipal Council will write a letter of support for the Annapolis County Trails Society’s application for a Recreation Facility Development Program grant.

·      A letter of support/acknowledgement will be provided to the Annapolis Royal Wharf Association for their Recreation Facility Development Program grant application.

·      Municipal Council will endorse Councillor Gregory Heming to stand for election on Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board of Directors. 

·      A letter will be forwarded to the NS Department of Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal requesting the slower speed limit be extended from the Falcourt Inn to the bridge in Nictaux (Hwy 201).

·       Municipal Council has approved the allocation of $25,415 for necessary safety renovations to the main building (canteen), the Manager’s cabin and the remaining two cabins, in that order of priority, at the Raven Haven Beachside Family Park.