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Committee of the Whole Highlights: April 12, 2016

This document represents highlights taken from the April 12, 2016, Committee of the Whole (COTW) meeting.
Please be advised, the items featured in this document are only recommendations to Municipal Council. Final approval will not be determined until Municipal Council on April 19, 2016.

·       The 2016-17 Annapolis County draft Operating Budget and the 2016-17 Capital Plan (2016-2021) will be discussed at a Special Committee of the Whole to be held on Monday, April 18th, 9:30 am, at the Municipal Office, Annapolis Royal.

·      Annapolis County Water Utility Rate Review – Information can be accessed on County website (AnnapolisCounty.ca).

·      It was recommended that the Municipality work collaboratively with the citizens interested in developing the Jubilee Park Floating Dock on the Annapolis River; establish a Letter of Intent with the future Jubilee Park Floating Dock Advisory Committee; maintain the floating dock; and to officially recognize the Jubilee Park Floating Dock Advisory Committee as an advisory organization to the Municipality.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council approve the expenditure of $1,500 for the Acadian Passport project, pending 2016-17 budget approval, and that Council re-evaluate the project beyond the 2016-17 fiscal year.

·      It is recommended that Council authorize staff to facilitate the submission of a funding application on behalf of the Bridgetown Volunteer Fire Department to upgrade an existing off-road vehicle.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement between the Municipality of the County of Annapolis and NS Department of Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal for resurfacing on South Broadway Ave. between Spinnaker Dr. and Hwy #1, Cornwallis Park.

·      Heart of the Valley BMX Skate Park Society President, Chris Hiltz, provided an update from the Society. It was recommended that the Society’s request for the release of previously approved funding in the amount of $30,000 be approved; and an additional ask of $15,000 towards the project’s annual 2016-17 budget be forwarded to 2016-17 budget discussions for consideration.

·      Annapolis County Trails Society President Danny Phinney, provided a project and funding update. The Society has submitted a grant application to the Municipality for consideration.

·      Mike Trinacity, NS Communities, Culture and Heritage (Regional Representative), and Rick Jacques, Annapolis Valley Trails Coalition (AVTC) Trail Coordinator, provided Council with an update of projects; a priority being the Destination Trail Project (Harvest Moon Trail – Grand Pre to Annapolis Royal). The AVTC request of $8,129 will be forwarded to 2016-17 budget discussions for consideration.

·      Nancy Price, Chair, and Judy Marshall of the new Bridgetown School Playground Committee provided Council with background information on the project, including design, layout and funding initiatives. It is recommended that a letter in support of the new Bridgetown School Playground Committee’s application for a Recreational Facility Development grant be provided.

·      It was recommended that Municipal Council send a letter to the Minister of Justice noting its appreciation for the Annapolis County Street Crimes Unit and the Municipality’s desire for its continued presence.

·      It was recommended that tiny home readiness be added to the list of year-one priorities in the Municipality’s Economic Development Strategies.

·      It is recommended that Municipal Council not enter into contract negotiations with SPCA.