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Council Highlights: January 19, 2016

Please be advised, this document represents only highlights taken from the Municipal Council session. If you wish to see the Council session in its entirety, it will be posted to the Annapolis County Municipal Channel on Vimeo.

January 19, 2016

·      February Municipal Council meeting will be held at the Inglenook Community Hall (246 Bay Rd., Inglewood) in recognition of African Heritage Month. The meeting will be held on Feb. 16th, 10 am.

·      Municipal Council approved a 2015-16 grant in the amount of $2,000 to the Cornwallis Military Museum Association.

·      Municipal Council approved a 50% cost share on the renovations to the Lawrencetown Provincial Land Titles Office located downstairs in the Municipal Office, Lawrencetown (396 Main St,), to a maximum contribution of $34,468.90 from the Operating Reserve.

·      Bridgetown Water Utility –Municipal Council approved writing-off a total of $901.54 in interest charges and water receivables.

·      Municipal staff will work collaboratively with the Annapolis Royal Wharf Association to develop the proposed Annapolis River Basin Waterfront Development.

·       Jenna MacLeod, Outreach Coordinator from Clean Foundation and Efficiency Nova Scotia – Home Warming Program, provided written information to Municipal Council about the program, noting there was still capacity to accept more applications to the program and for upgrades in 2016.
·      Craig Chandler, Mersey Consulting, and Bill Crossman, founder of Soluna Energy Inc., provided information about the Shallow Water Tidal Energy Project to Council. The Municipality will serve as the proponent for a grant application to Nova Scotia Department of Business under their Invest Nova Scotia fund for the project.

·      A letter will be forwarded to Nova Scotia Power requesting a report on the total amount of megawatts generated by the hydroelectric facilities in Annapolis County; as well as how many megawatts are consumed by business and residents of Annapolis County in an effort to determine where the County stands on the target of producing 80 percent of the power consumed.

·      Correspondence from residents in Paradise noted concerns about property damage occurring during snow removal along the sidewalks. The contractor will be switching to a snow blower from a plow.

·      On behalf of Municipal Council, Deputy Warden Habinski will attend the presentation of the Shallow Water Tidal Energy Project to Nova Scotia Department of Business, as a show of support.

·      Municipal Council approved emergency funding to the Lawrencetown & District Pool Society’s request of $25,620 from the 2015-16 Recreation and Culture reserve.

·      Municipal Council will proceed with seeking regulatory amendments necessary to install the grass pellet system at the Municipal Office in Annapolis Royal.

·      The Warden and Municipal Clerk were authorized to sign a lease agreement with 3283169 Nova Scotia Ltd. for space in the Basinview Centre.