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Council Highlights: December 15, 2015

Please be advised, this document represents only highlights taken from the Municipal Council session. If you wish to see the Council session in its entirety, it will be posted to the Annapolis County Municipal Channel (AnnapolisCounty.ca).

December 15, 2015

·      Municipal Staff were recognized for their years of service and retirements: Dawn Campbell (20 years); Butch Emmett (25 years); Wanda Atwell (25 years); Carol Dibble (retirement) and David McCoubrey (retirement).

·      Municipal Council approved its proportional share of the Valley Region Solid Waste-Resource Management Authority’s draft 2016-17 Operating and Capital Budget: (Operating -$1,553,900) and (Capital - $440,400).

·      $200,000 will be released from the 2015-16 Fire Services Capital to the Annapolis Royal Volunteer Fire Department to purchase a new utility truck.

·      Municipal Council will amend AM-1.4.11 Community Contributions Policy increasing the contribution to Trans County Transportation to $35,000.

·      Municipal Council has authorized staff to work with Bridgetown and Area Chambers of Commerce (BACC) to prepare a cost estimate to replace the Town of Bridgetown symbols on the Youth Ambassador Chain of Office. Also, to turn care and keeping and ownership of the Chain of Office over to the BACC.

·      Sale of surplus inventory items will go through the services of GovDeals.ca, with the items not sold being disposed of.

·      A 2016-17 budget for the Port-Royal Habitation Family Fun Day was approved, not exceeding $3,500.

·      Police Advisory Board will have access to the Municipal Office in Bridgetown to hold meetings.

·     Since the particitpation of the County in the repurposing of Annapolis Royal Regional Acadmey (ARRA) is essentially complete, Councillor Heming was removed from the Town of Annapolis Royal’s ARRA committee.

·      A Letter of Appreciation will be forwarded to agencies involved in the paving work undertaken along Morse Rd. improving its condition.

·      A Public Meeting will be held on January 6th (storm date: January 20th) at 7:00 pm at the Bridgetown Fire Hall re Municipal Planning Strategy Amendment regarding property in Bridgetown belonging to Milton Hamilton.

·      Warden and Clerk were authorized to enter into an agreement of sale for the greenhouse (former Solar Aquatics) to the Bear River Board of Trade for less than market value.