Streetlight Submission FormFirst NameLast NameYour Civic AddressPhone NumberCommunity where streetlight isCivic Address Closest to Streetlight*Streetlight ID* AC*The ID number can be found if you look up at the bulb, there will be a wattage number ie: 52W and then another number which will be the streetlight number, Annapolis County lights all start with an ‘AC’ and then a number*Does the light face the public roadway?NoYesIf NO, please contact NSPI at 1(800)428-6774 Is the light in a private driveway or private roadway?NoYesIf yes please contact NSPI at 1(800)428-6774 Type of ProblemNot Coming OnNot Shutting OffPulsingOtherOther (give description)Submit