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Lake Pleasant Park and Boat Launch

Lake Pleasant Park and Boat Launch
808 Lake Pleasant Road
(Approximately 50 km south of Middleton)

The park is located along the north-western shore of Lake Pleasant in the community of Lake Pleasant, a small rural community that has its roots in the forest industry and known to many as cottage country. The West River flows into the boundary of the 2.3 acre park.

The park has a small pathway along the waterfront and a rock picnic area (upper parking lot). The boat launch is suited for small crafts such as canoes and kayaks.

The lake has a small island and on the other side of the lake is a 75-acre campground, operated under the authority of 14 Wing Greenwood and the Lake Pleasant Campers Club. It was purchased in the 50's to serve members of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Not far away is the community of Springfield and home to Springfield Lake.

On the eastern shore of this lake was once home to the Davidson Lumber Company. At the turn of the century circa 1902 -1921 it was Nova Scotia's largest lumber mill. It was a large operation with up to 55 houses; a three-story cookhouse, a clubhouse, stores, school and the company owned its own railroad to haul logs and to connect to markets.

It was built on the east side of Mill Lake now known as Springfield Lake and the old Mill site and mill community used to be known as Hastings, named after the owner. The mill burnt in 1928.

Springfield Lake is also home to the Springfield Union Picnic Grounds Park, which has a beach, small pathways and picnic area and at one time a very active ballpark.

Both of these lakes provide excellent paddling opportunities.

Both lakes are featured in Canoe Annapolis County - A Paddler's Guide to Outdoor Adventures.
The 27 water routes listed in our guide are on our website free of charge or you can purchase a hard copy of the 137 page CAC Guide.