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Moon Mist Trail QR Code Description

The Municipality of the County of Annapolis welcomes you to Moon Mist All Ability Accessible Trail.

Moon Mist is a flat, even-graded pathway that is five feet wide and built to accessible standards. The 550 metres (1804 foot) looped pathway takes you by the trail kiosk, through a wooded area to a lookoff where trail-users can view the Ryerson Brook and Ravine. We have included picnic areas and rest stops along the way. The pathway has wooden sides to define the perimeter to allow easier navigation for all users.

There are three accessible parking spaces and an accessible parking space and an accessible port-a-pottie near the start of Moon Mist Trail.

The accessible pathway has been created with funding from the Municipality of the County of Annapolis, Nova Scotia Communities, Cultures, Tourism and Heritage, and was built by the Annapolis Basin Outdoor Adventure Society (ABOAS).

Thank you for joining us today and please spread the word about Moon Mist All Ability Accessible Trail.