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South Shore Annapolis Valley Trail

The South Shore Annapolis Valley Recreational Trail Association is a non-profit, incorporated, volunteer-supported association. Their aim is to develop and manage a trail that provides the maximum enjoyment and well-being for the local residents, stimulate the local economy and minimize any negative impact of these activities on adjacent property owners.

Since the 1990’s, this trail has been used and enjoyed by many trail users including walkers, bicyclists, horseback riders, ATV’s, off-road motorcycles and skiers. The Crossburn Snowmobile Club grooms the trail during the winter months, and so thanks to this partnership, this is an excellent location for cross-country skiing.

There are a number of lovely bridges along the route that are popular with local residents and visitors. This trail can be accessed in most communities located along Highway 10 and sections in Lunenburg County.  As it is a shared use trail, expect to see OHVs, skiers, snowshoers, walkers, and dogs with their owners. Dress so you are visible, especially during low light or stormy conditions.

This on line story map showing the South Shore Annapolis Valley Trail was a joint effort to promote awareness of the trail. Thanks to contributing participants, Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, Rick Jacques, Laura Barkhouse, Councillor Martha Roberts, Vern Whynot, Albert Dunphy, Debra Ryan.  Anyone wanting to submit photos for inclusion in the map, please email them to cmackintosh@annapoliscounty.ca along with coordinates or description of where the photo was taken.

Trail Access - Middleton Lions Club, 8921 Highway 10, Nictaux Falls
Trail Access - Springfield & Area Recreation Park, 122 Hastings Road, Springfield

To view the South Shore Annapolis Valley Trail please CLICK HERE.