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The County of Annapolis is rooted in history, heritage, and culture. It is home to the first permanent settlement in Canada, which was a partnership between the Mi'kmaw of L'sitkuk area and Samuel de Champlain and other settlers from France.

As a result of the County's rich history we have many museums which showcase different aspects and periods of Canadian history. The following is a list of museums in the region. For more information please visit the hyperlinks below.


Farm Museum

570 Highway #1 Main Street
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia

Open 10am-4pm Thursday-Sunday

Directions? Click Here

Fort Anne National Historic Site

323 St. George Street, 
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
B0S 1A0

Website: Click Here
Email: information@pc.gc.ca
Phone: (902) 532-2321
Directions? Click Here

James House Museum

12 Queen Street, PO Box 645
Bridgetown, Nova Scotia
B0S 1C0

Website: Click Here
Phone: (902) 665-4530
Directions? Click Here

Macdonald Museum

21 School Street, PO Box 925
Middleton, Nova Scotia
B0S 1P0

Website: Click Here
Email: macdonald.museum@ns.sympatico.ca
Phone: (902) 825-6116
Fax: (902) 825-0531
Directions? Click Here

Middleton Railway Museum

61 School Street
Middleton, Nova Scotia
B0S 1P0

Website: Click Here
Phone: (902) 825-6062
Directions? Click Here
Mt Hanley Sch  

Mount Hanley School Museum

2130 Mount Hanley Road, Mount Hanley
c/o P O Box 1023
Middleton, Nova Scotia
B0S 1P0

Email: N/A
Phone: N/A
Directions? Click Here

North Hills Museum

5065 Granville Road
Granville Ferry, Nova Scotia
B0S 1A0

Phone: (902) 532-2168
Fax: (902) 532-0700
Directions? Click Here

O'Dell House Museum

136 St. George Street
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
B0S 1A0

Email: historic@ns.aliantzinc.ca
Phone: (902) 532-7754
Directions? Click Here

Sinclair Inn Museum

230 St. George Street
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
B0S 1A0

Phone: (902) 532-0996 
Directions? Click Here

Tupperville School Museum

2663 Highway 201
Tupperville, Nova Scotia

Phone: (902) 665-2427
Directions? Click Here