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Grants To Community Organizations

New Community Grants Policy starting for the 2024-25 fiscal year!

The objective of the community grants policy is to provide financial assistance to organizations that provide meaningful activities and support to the residents and communities within the County of Annapolis.


1.Subject to annual review and at the discretion of Municipal Council, the general operating budget shall annually provide funding to support this policy in an amount agreed to by Council.
2. Initial application deadline is April 1st of each year for the ensuing fiscal year of April 1st to March 31st. Applications submitted after this will be evaluated as submitted subject to available funds remaining in the program throughout the fiscal year.


This policy shall be guided by the following principles:

1. One application per organization may be approved under this policy in each funding year.

2. Municipal Council may fund applications from organizations operating outside the geographical boundaries of the County of Annapolis if the applicant clearly demonstrates the benefit to Annapolis County residents and communities.

3. Applications must demonstrate and support strategic priorities of the municipality and support meaningful programs, infrastructure, services, and events to enhance the well-being of Annapolis County communities and residents.

4. Applications must demonstrate financial need and identify all other revenue sources such as other grants and fundraising activities, including supplying a copy of their most recent financial statements.

5. Applications must demonstrate the ability to complete the project or program within the approved fiscal year and show a plan or strategy for future sustainability.

6. Applications must clearly show their inclusiveness and demonstrate equitable opportunities to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities.


Any registered charitable, nonprofit or not-for-profit organization is eligible to apply excluding religious organizations except their community hall facility when used for general community use, businesses, political organizations, labour unions, mass appeals, other levels of government, and organizations funded through the general operating budget.

No applicant is eligible to receive funding from the Municipality of the County of Annapolis from more than one funding area in any one fiscal year, unless support was from the Community Facility Generator Program. 3. Applicants may only apply for one project or facility per application.


1. Community Facilities. Projects that support enhancement and development of public use for new or existing facilities in Annapolis County. The facility must be used for activities of a recreational, educational, environmental, cultural, community, or social nature and be accessible for use by the general public. Operational costs are not supported under this category (i.e., oil, power, insurance, etc.) Some examples of eligible facilities are community:
• Halls and centres.
• Parks, trails and recreational facilities.
• Public Wharves; and
• Lighthouses and museums.

Eligible projects may include:
• New facilities.
• Facility upgrades or repairs.
• Installation or replacement of fixtures, appliances or equipment.
• Accessibility projects that will enhance and complement the whole journey approach for the built environment.

The application must identify all funding partners and provide any applicable documentation as it pertains to the partners. Maximum grants shall not exceed $20,000. Applicants must be able to demonstrate a minimum 1/3 contribution to the total project cost. This contribution may include proof of other funding source(s), cash, and/or in-kind donations.

2. Community Projects.

Assistance to initiate or continue to develop events and/or structured programs to support the enhancement of community well-being and quality of life for Annapolis County residents and visitors.

Eligible projects may include:
• Events and festivals that provide a regional benefit and support meaningful partnerships within the Municipality.
• Artistic events which celebrate the culture and heritage of Annapolis County.
• Recreational activities. (i.e., Community gardens, food literacy).
• Physical activity opportunities for all ages and abilities (i.e., local sports clubs, senior fitness, inclusion / accessibility enhancement programs).
• Social support. (i.e., family programs, assistance with accessing programs for well-being, social economic challenges).

Maximum grants shall be up to 50% of the program cost to a maximum of $5,000. Grant applicants must be able to demonstrate active fundraising efforts to support the continuation of the program, if applicable.

Each application received shall be reviewed by designated municipal staff and measured against policy guidelines and available approved funding. Chief Administrative Officer will have the authority to approve applications requesting an amount of up to $2,500. Applications above $2,500 will be evaluated and a recommendation brought forward to Municipal Council. Where any applications up to $2,500 are approved by the Chief Administrative Officer, the Chief Administrative Officer or designate, shall provide Council with a written monthly update of approved grants including details of request and amount approved. Approved applicants must submit their Final Report upon completion of the proposed project/facility upgrade no later than 12 months after approval. Failure to do so will result in the organization being ineligible to submit future grant applications.


Municipality of the County of Annapolis shall be identified in all promotional material pertaining to the facility, project or program such as printed material, social media, etc. in recognition of their financial support. The organization must promote the County using designated County of Annapolis logos, and messaging, as approved by the Municipality.

In addition to the Grant Application click here for the form. You will need to submit a:

1. summary explanation about your organization, your project/program and any pertinent details. 
2. project budget – section included in application form;
3. most recent copy of the organizations audited or signed financial statements.
4. current list of executive.
5. copy of the bylaws or constitution (if we have these on file no need to submit unless changes have been made).

Click here for a full copy of the policy 

Please click here to contact us for more information.