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2024 Annapolis County Volunteers

We are so thankful to live in an area where volunteers are willing to step-in and help lift up our communities. These selfless people coach our children, create community theatre, respond to emergencies, spearhead community events and initiatives, and so much more. Their endless dedication and community support is a critical component in Nova Scotia's outstanding quality of living, and why Annapolis County is such a great place to live, work, and play.

A huge thank you and congratulations to our 2024 Annapolis County community volunteers, and the organizations who nominated them.

2024 Annapolis County Provincial Volunteer Representative:

Nominated by: Clementsvale & District Recreation Commission
J. Sanford image cropped

Jeremy believes that rural communities operate most successfully when driven by volunteerism. He has been volunteering for over 20 years, placing contributions in three areas: rural access to health care, community recreation, and small business development.

Growing up in rural Nova Scotia, Jeremy saw the various affects of limitations on the communities. This sparked a drive to build and support rural community.

Clementsvale & District Recreation Commission (CDRC)

Jeremy is currently completing his 10th year as treasurer and bookkeeper for the (CDRC), which oversees Foresters Hall and its community grounds. He is the reason the community of Clementsvale has a basketball court and a skating rink. As soon as the temperature drops, it’s a common sight to see Jeremy out on the ice, shovelling the surface so the anxious kids can start their hockey game. He ensures the siding is put in, plastic is in place to cover the asphalt, and the Bear River Fire Department is available to flood and maintain the ice surface. This is a huge job!
Jeremy is also responsible for several annual grants that Foresters Hall receives, all due to his sourcing and ongoing applications. This supports the foundation of Foresters Hall’s two full-time tenants, as well as ongoing hall maintenance and improvements, a new playground installation, the addition of an accessible trail path around the grounds, and so much more. Foresters Hall has many annual events, all of which he leads or assists with, such as - Bear River Fire Department Annual Fundraiser 2023 ($3500 raised), Sparkle Ball Clementsvale Playground Equipment Fundraiser 2023 ($4637 raised), Breakfast with Santa (over 300 fed), and free family movie nights, youth dance parties, community dart tournaments, and more. This is just a sampling of how Jeremy has made a significant contribution through the CDRC.

Digby & Area Health Foundation

This organization is focused on purchasing equipment and fundraising for locum doctors to come to the area. The Health Foundation encourages access to health care for everyone. Jeremy has been instrumental in several projects and initiatives, as well as the overall and ongoing health of the organization. He is dedicated to equity, making things available to all.

Business Consulting & Youth Funding

Several businesses throughout our area have received free business consultations from Jeremy. He has expertise in operations & finance, in both the business and non-profit sectors. He offers this to local small businesses freely, as needed. Jeremy has sourced funding opportunities and successfully received funding for local hockey. Youth teams and individuals alike have had hard financial barriers removed due to Jeremy’s passion for ensuring access to opportunities for all ages and levels. 

As a lifelong local, Jeremy sees the bigger picture and pushes for equal access, regardless of socioeconomic demographics. As a calm voice of reason on the CDRC board, Jeremy is a no-drama, to-the-point board member. His dedication to making health and recreation accessible to our rural communities makes him a respected community leader. Jeremy is very deserving of volunteer recognition on the scale you provide. Bringing attention to his passion and commitment to support rural communities in recreation, healthcare, and small business will certainly inspire contribution for others.

2024 Annapolis County Community Volunteers:

Nominated by: Annapolis Valley Exhibition

E. Barrett pic
The Barrett family has been involved with the exhibition community since 1933. Growing up in Clarence on the family Guernsey farm, Ernie is no stranger to the agriculture life. After moving back home to Port George from Ontario in 2018, Ernie followed in his father's footsteps, growing beautiful vegetables to put on exhibit in the Annapolis Valley Exhibitions Fruit and Vegetables barn. His love for anything with a motor has helped the exhibition immensely with their winter storage program. Ernie and his wife, Julie, are also volunteers at the Port George Community Center where they were instrumental in the Port George Community Center storm shelter project, hosting breakfast events, and reviving the popular Port George Jamboree.

I am a VolunteerBEALS, Tracy
Nominated by: Feed My Sheep and Middleton Connection Outreach

Tracy shops for and prepares food for Feed My Sheep in Paradise, which is a free community meal mostly paid for by the money collected from parking at Lawrencetown exhibition grounds. She also runs Middleton Connect Outreach, which is a drop-in for anyone who needs it, providing food, clothes, and a place to sit to get warm and talk. 

Nominated by: Cornwallis Park Community Association
L Boudreau photo updated

Lynn has been with the Cornwallis Park Community Association for the past three years; she has served two terms as the secretary and is currently serving as the treasurer. She admits it has been a learning experience but something she can get her teeth into and enjoys! Lynn has also done the monthly newsletter for almost two years. She has participated in a number of activities associated with the hall including fundraisers such as the community hall craft fair, breakfasts, spring yard sale, and candle making. She always is available with a helpful and caring hand whenever called upon. Lynn has assisted with the Ukrainian clothing drive, barbecue, and has provided drives here and there, including a lovely tour along the French Shore of NS. She has worked with a Syrian family as an English Second Language (ESL) until they moved to New Brunswick. She enjoyed being an assistant with the Kids Zumba at the Fundy Y, and currently volunteers with Meals on Wheels. Lynn believes learning has been a lifelong enjoyment and will take on a challenge to learn whatever is necessary to get the job done. 

A. Cove pic croppedCOVE, Amanda
Nominated by: Annapolis Valley Frugal Mom’s Society (AVFMS)

Amanda is a great help, willing to jump in and help others at a moment’s notice. Her time spent in the military is definitely reflected in her organization skills. Amanda has helped organize and execute the give-aways in the Torbrook area, and is always willing to help with others as the new season approaches. She is a great asset to the AVFMS team. Amanda will jump in help a teammate without hesitation, and even drives to Digby to help sort clothing, deliver food, and help tidy up areas. She's an amazing team member. 

Nominated by: Annapolis Royal Volunteer Fire Department (ARVFD)
Z. Cromwell Preferred picZach has been an exemplary member of the ARVFD for over a decade, serving currently as the 2nd Deputy Chief with pride and dedication. Zach is always ready and willing to lend a helping hand with various projects and tasks around the fire hall, demonstrating a true spirit of service and camaraderie. His involvement with fundraising events, organizing training, and being a leader around the department is a true testament to his passion for his role in the fire service. Zach’s unwavering commitment to the department and his community is truly inspiring and he is a shining example of what it means to be a dedicated volunteer. In his free time, he enjoys spending time outdoors, hunting and fishing, and is a dedicated father to his daughter Rylee. Zach keeps himself busy with his fire department duties, and personal life.

D. FoleyFOLEY, Dan
Nominated by: Bear River Fire Department (BRFD)

Dan has been active in fire services for over a decade, serving in both Nictaux & District Volunteer Fire Department, and currently in the BRFD. Dan brings a wealth of knowledge to the department and a willingness to help out. As is the case with all those who choose to dedicate their time to fire services, he gives hundreds of volunteer hours to his community each year. His dedication and commitment to this service is genuine as Dan continues to perform in all aspects as a volunteer fire department member. 

GILLIS, Debbie
Nominated by: Paradise Community Hall 
D. Gillis pic
Debbie’s volunteer work goes back to a time before her children were born, and her oldest of three is now in his 40s. She was a family studies teacher for over 34 years, and as her children became involved in various activities, she naturally got involved as a volunteer. She was a 4-H leader, taught at pony camps, volunteered at hockey tournaments - taking her son and his team mates to many hockey games around the province. Debbie was the yearbook editor at the Bridgetown Regional High School for many years, and took advantage the variety of volunteer opportunities offered at the schools where she taught. For most of the time that Debbie has been a Paradise resident, nearly 30 years, she has been a volunteer in many capacities, including mowing the grounds of the community hall and the community gardens at the Paradise Heritage Centre. She also was on the rotation schedule for watering the stunning hanging baskets of petunias that grace Paradise in the warm months. Presently, Debbie is the president of the Paradise Community Hall. She spearheaded many improvements and maintenance at the hall and is the first one to volunteer to take on any task; she never asks anyone to do things she wouldn’t do herself. Debbie has applied for grants to help make improvements and has done a lot of hands-on work to make them happen. Currently, she is working on preparing the Paradise Community Hall to be available as an emergency warming centre, as per the county guidelines. Debbie is also a member of the Paradise Historical Society. She is someone who has shown volunteerism as a regular part of her adult life and is very deserving of this recognition.

GUNN, Nigel
Nominated by: Bear River Fire Department (BRFD)N. Gunn pic cropped

Nigel has served for the Bear River Fire Department since 2009, after transferring from Annapolis Royal Volunteer Fire Department. In total, he has served over 15 years as a volunteer firefighter and continues to serve in all manners with the volunteer fire service. Nigel had served for nearly 5 years as the BRFD safety and fire prevention officer, and has successfully completed his level one MFR training. Beyond his firefighting duties, he is also very involved with all the events and activities organized by the department. You will see Nigel flipping pancakes at the monthly fire hall breakfasts, and his bright smile every year selling cherries at the Bear River Cherry Carnival. Nigel gives about 250 of volunteer hours a year to the hall. His dedication and commitment to the BRFD is truly sincere.

Nominated by: Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP)
M. Herbert photo

Mark moved to Upper Granville with his wife Stephanie in 2008 to continue a teaching position at the College of Geographical Sciences, and before long Mark was volunteering on the Clean Annapolis River Project Board of Directors. For the past 16 years, he has been active on the Board, chairing human resources, membership, nominating, and fundraising committees. Since 2018, Mark has been co-chairing, and then chairing, the very successful Annapolis River Festival. He served as Vice President and has been CARP's president for the past 5 years. However, Mark's volunteering activities have not been limited to CARP. He joined the Annapolis Royal Pool Association three years ago where he was treasurer for two years. Mark's family roots go back as far as the Acadians and he has been interested in furthering the Acadian culture in Annapolis County. He has volunteered his time with the Association Francophone de la Vallée for two years and is a member of the Association des Familles Acadiennes de Port- Royal, taking part in the celebrations for National Acadian Day in Annapolis Royal last summer. A year and a half ago, Mark began volunteering his time to help serve at the Bridgetown Lions Club monthly breakfasts, sacrificing a chance to sleep in after a full work week to get up early and help serve this popular breakfast to the crowds. Mark is the proud father of two active sons, aged, 8 and 13. His days continue after work with driving to music lessons, soccer, swimming, and hockey. Along with all of this, Mark is a vigilant neighbour, looking for ways to help the people who live near whether it be stacking wood, mail delivery, snow clearing, or mowing lawns. Mark is truly a volunteer at heart. 

D. Jefferson photo 2 croppedJEFFERSON, Deleries
Nominated by: Cornwallis Park Community Association

Deleries is an amazing and inspiring woman. Her devotion to her community is beyond measure. She dedicates her time and efforts to make sure others are warm, fed, and able to get around if she can assist. She has knitted and donated well over 200 hats to the neighbouring communities and daycares and hospitals. Deleries puts together hampers for fund raising and recently donated a hamper to Felker Hall for Christmas. She assists the elderly with cleaning out their freezers, taking them for groceries, and checking on them to make sure they are ok. She is an altruistic woman, and her kindness is highly respected and loved. We truly appreciate Deleries's commitment to her community of friends and neighbours. 

Nominated by: Annapolis Region Community Arts Council (ARCAC) 
T. Lind pic

Ted has been involved with ARCAC as a volunteer for over 11 years, following 40 years working as an art educator and curator – spending much of his career in art museums. He has a special fondness for his time at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Albany In­stitute of History & Art, the Cincinnati Art Museum, and the Newark Museum. For many of these 11 “volunteering years” he has been an active member of the board of directors. He currently chairs the program committee, and leads two sub-committees (film committee and digital resources committee). He is also the board representative on the exhibition committee along with practicing artists, developing the wide range of changing exhibits for ARCAC. Somehow he also manages to find the time to assist in the writing of grants and funding proposals to the town of Annapolis Royal, the province of Nova Scotia, Canada Council, and other entities. Recently he has been largely re­sponsible for coordinating and managing the newly-established digital arts platform "ArtSeen", which showcases works in galleries across the Province. His dedication is never in question – with one recent example being the many hours he spent helping the family of local artist Harold Cromwell. This exhibit ran at Artsplace in Annapolis Royal, in the Fall of 2023, with the show being a real success. This means that there is a good chance of Harold's exhibit travelling to other parts of the Province. Ted works tirelessly in the local community, where he constantly works to educate the public by promoting all things creative, curious and artistic. His long experience as an educator in art history, studio, and museum education, means that he can use skills and interests he had in his professional career, to help develop public art programs. He greatly enjoys viewing art with other people, both young and old, and Ted believes that art can help us all find perspective in a complex world. To this end, he has also es­tablished an excellent relationship with Annapolis West Education Centre (AWEC), and students have been encouraged to have shows, attend workshops and demonstrations. Ted is an accomplished artist himself. He majored in visual arts at Albion College (Michi­gan) and earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in painting from the Rochester Institute of Technology (New York). He was also a Max Beckmann Fellow in Advanced Painting Studies at the Brooklyn Museum Art School in New York. Finally he spent time appren­ticed to a silversmith in Tlaquepaque, Mexico. So along with dedicating so much of his precious time to ARCAC and the wider community – he has continued to create his own art alongside, which has shown extensively throughout Nova Scotia. He lives in Granville Ferry, Nova Scotia with his wife Judy, and they both very much enjoy following the arts careers of their three grown daughters. We asked Ted what motivates him to volunteer. He said “I want to give time and effort - to aid in strengthening the role of art in the life of community”. We believe that Ted has more than satisfied this goal, and so on behalf of ARCAC, I am very proud to nomi­nate TED LIND for recognition of a Volunteer award.

R and P Low photoLOW, Ron and Phyllis
Nominated by: Milford & Area Community Association (MACA) 

Ron and Phyllis have been coming to events at the Milford Hall for 14 years since they bought their property across the road from the Hall. Now that they are retired, they have taken their participation in hall activities to a new level. Last year, they offered to help serve at the Maplefest, MACA’s main fundraising dinner where their enthusiasm was contagious as they happily took on any task that was needed, and thoroughly enjoyed interacting with the patrons and their fellow volunteers. Afterwards, they showed up at a general meeting of the MACA and announced they wanted to be involved in the hall and volunteer on a regular basis. They made good to that promise when a Board position became available and Ron was nominated to become a director with Phyllis as his stand-in, if needed. Very quickly they showed their skills completing maintenance duties, repairing, cleaning, organizing, and initiating improvement projects. The MACA board applied through Efficiency NS for a rebate on the purchase and installation of a heat pump for the hall after being unable to keep the facility open during the winter of 2022 because of high fuel oil prices. Ron took ownership of helping to restructure the basement, readying the furnace for extraction and the ductwork for renewal. Then he and Phyllis cleaned up the entire space. Ron has served on project committees, taking a lead in designing and communicating with contractors, and suppliers. When it became obvious that we would need more funds to take on the project, he and Phyllis initiated a fundraising weekly coffee social to swell our coffers. Ron took on the task of plowing snow in the hall’s parking lot. Prior to their arrival in South Milford, they had volunteered in other areas of Nova Scotia and on the high seas. Before retirement, Ron was in the Navy and volunteered within the Canadian Armed Forces as a harassment / working relations advisor since 2007, assisting individuals with dispute resolution and harassment issues. He volunteered on various ship mess committees as entertainment manager, and as mess manager. He served as a member of various ship welfare committees where they managed crew welfare issues and organized ship's company events such as kids’ parties, beach day, Christmas dance, 4- wheeler run's, etc. In 2008, he participated in a CFB Halifax's volunteer event to repaint Metro Turning Point, Halifax's men's homeless shelter. Phyllis served as a senior adult volunteer for 9 years (2007-2015) with No. 652 Milford Air Cadet Squadron in HRM, as well as (to a slightly lesser degree) for No. 2937 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corp in Enfield, HRM. She also volunteered as an assistant coach for 6 years (2009-2014) at her son and daughter’s high school, Hants East Rural High, for their track and field team. Before that (2001-2007), when their children were younger, she was a Sparks and Brownies leader for their daughter’s troupes. In addition, she has also volunteered for numerous yearly Earth Day community cleanups, and they have both organized yearly Shubenacadie River cleanups by canoe and from the shorelines in Halifax Regional Municipality. They are energetic and enthusiastic in their desire to contribute to whatever community they call home. They truly are a dynamic duo! 

Nominated by: Bear River Fire Department (BRFD) 
D. McCormick edit

Volunteering is extremely important to David. He started his volunteering career in 1999 as a firefighter. He truly embraced his passion for fire services, which went beyond his local department. He served with the Nova Scotia Fire School has a volunteer assistant instructor for eight years and was a member of both the Annapolis Royal and Smith’s Cove fire departments throughout his years in the fire service. Currently, David sits on the Annapolis County Fire Service (as BRFD Chief), is Vice President of the Digby Municipal Fire Service (10 years), he is a Medical First Responder that has seen calls double in the last year, and he is Chief of the Bear River Fire Department, a position he has held for the last four years. As Chief, he dedicates over 600 volunteers hours a year to his department and community. David Chairs the Bear River Cherry Carnival, the oldest carnival in Nova Scotia, which includes organizing community meetings, creating a dynamic team of firefighters and community volunteers to arrange events, and monitoring the carnival on the day of the event to make sure everything runs smoothly. You will also see David at the BRFD monthly breakfast doing whatever is needed, whether it’s frying up eggs, going from table to table to make sure the patrons have everything they need, or joining in on the clean-up, he’s there to assist. David also helps in the organization of other fire hall events like the Christmas Tree lighting with free hot chocolate and cookies, fundraising suppers, a safe Halloween drive-thru for the kids, and craft fairs. In the fall of 2023, knowing people were falling on hard times, David organized an BRFD Open House where people could learn more about the department while being offered a free, hot bowl of soup. He asked that they bring an item for the food banks in Digby and Annapolis, if they were able. He made sure everyone had something hot to eat that day. Outside of the fire hall, David previously coached junior boys’ soccer and basketball at Annapolis West Education Centre. He is the father of three, his youngest being 17, a stepfather to two university students, and a dedicated husband. You will always see David present at local and neighbouring fundraisers, as he believes these events are what make up a community. He will also tell you, his team at the BRFD is second to none and attributes the success of the fire department to the dedication and hard work of his firefighters.

Julie with her Dad 003MELANSON, Julie
Nominated by: Port Royal Legion, Branch #21

Julie has been a member of the Port Royal Legion, Branch #21, in Annapolis Royal for 17 years. During that time she has chaired the Membership Committee, held the role of Dart League Vice-President, and is currently Dart League President. Julie is also a long term volunteer in the legion kitchen helping prepare food, serving, canteen sales, and providing gluten-free options for legion events. She also volunteers her time at the Milford Community Hall during their Maplefest and Harvest dinners. Julie is a true example of what it means to be a volunteer; she is always at the ready to assist in any role needed. She is hardworking, thoughtful, dedicated and easy-going. Julie is a valuable member of the legion, Branch #21, organization and Annapolis community. Julie is shown here with her dad.

Nominated by: Annapolis Basin Outdoor Adventure Society (ABOA)
A. Moreland pic

Adam Moreland is the volunteer chair of ABOA. This is a group of dynamic trail builders and users who are creating new trails at Upper Clements Trails. In partnership with the County of Annapolis, the ABOA group is making a difference in creating recreational opportunities for hiking, running, mountain biking and in winter snowshoeing, cross country skiing and fat mountain biking. In early 2022, Adam took the leadership in working with the county to assemble a group of volunteers to clear old hiking and cross-country ski trails on county lands. He then coordinated the paperwork / administration for getting the group incorporated as a non-profit society, coordinated the advertising and promotion for initial meetings ( August 2022), recruited volunteers, established insurance for the group, and created social opportunities for the volunteers. Planning for the trails began shortly after with the ABOA executive and the county. Serious trail work began in September which included cutting out and clearing four years of storm damage of former trails, grubbing off the top layers, and reestablishing 20 and 40 year old year legacy trails that once existed but were barely recognized as trails. The process involved carrying in equipment and doing the work that saw the group overcoming hornet nests, ticks, and mosquitoes. Work included hand-building new single track trails with fire axes, loppers, power saws, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows and creating machine built trails. It included redirecting when encountering underground springs, finding decent on-site aggregate, and deal with other surprises that comes with trail building, like equipment breakdowns, to ensure the vision of a destination trail system. Adam worked with ABOA volunteers in creating and naming new trails such as Washtub, Millstone, Deee-cent, Moon Mist. and Gravity Cheque; all connected to legacy trails such as Prescesky and the Old Wildlife Park Road. During the county trail opening in June 2023, Adam was on hand with ABOA volunteers doing trail checks ahead of opening, and lead tours. Without this team approach the work to create these kilometers of trails would not have been possible in such a short time frame. This is a testament to the hard working ABOA group. In 2023, more trails were added that included East Ravine, Mellow Meadow, Storm Chips, Beech Bum, Fenderbumper, Beaver Tale, and Hunker Down; these are hand-built trails that follow along both sides of Ryerson Brook. Creating the Upper Clements Trails opportunities was a team effort by ABOA members, and Adam provided the safety training that included power saw safety training, as he is a certified trainer, and he offered it free of charge, using his equipment until such time the group could acquire additional tools. Adam's one goal is to provide the best trails in the area for people to mountain bike, hike and enjoy the great outdoors to enjoy nature in all seasons. By the end of 2023, this group had cleared and or established 14 km of trail. Adam alone has logged over 1000 volunteer hours in trail building development as a member of ABOA. Adam continues to maintain the needed repairs that happen after rainstorms such as washouts and or taking down large trees off the trails after big windstorms, which add additional volunteer hours of work. The ABOA group have become great friends in the process uniting over trail building and creating a legacy for the community working in partnership with the municipality. Adams leadership, teamwork, and strong volunteer commitment has made a difference at Upper Clements Trails, which benefits the broader community. He truly does live and breathe trails and loves to be working in the woods making a difference. He has a work ethic and positive vibe that inspires others. 

D. Noble cropped NOBLE, Doreen
Nominated by: Wilmot Community Centre Society 

The Wilmot Community Centre is very pleased to nominate Doreen as their 2024 “Volunteer of the Year”.  Doreen has been a dedicated member of the Board of Directors for 5 years and a longtime member of the community. Doreen has been invaluable with the booking and cleaning of the hall, managing the rentals, collecting fees, scheduling cleanings, and dealing with any feedback from renters. This is a behind the scenes job with little recognition, but the countless hours Doreen has put in on behalf of the hall is truly appreciated. Doreen has also been an active volunteer with the “Fundy Squares” square dance group, holding both the president (2yrs) and treasurer (3yrs) positions. She has also volunteered with the Annapolis Valley Exhibition (3yrs) in the Arts & Crafts building. The 462 Greenwood TOPS Club has also benefited from having Doreen as a very active member over the past 20 yrs. where she has helped annually organize activities by making name tags and programs. The Wilmot Community Centre takes this opportunity to acknowledge Doreen’s hard work and dedication as it is giving people like her who help make our community hall a popular spot to enjoy! 

PERRY, Byron & Lawren LawrenandByron pic cropped
Nominated by: Orchard Court (Long-term care facility, Kentville)

Annapolis County residents Byron and Lawren have been coming to the Orchard Court long-term care facility to entertain residents on a volunteer basis monthly. They are enlivening to residents and definitely bring the community into the facility. The smiles on the residents' faces and hearing them sing along with Byron and Lawren to the music demonstrate the positive outcome of their volunteer efforts.

J. RockROCK, Jason
Nominated by: Annapolis Royal Volunteer Fire Department (ARVFD)

Congratulations to Jason on being chosen as one of our volunteers of the year at the ARVFD! Since joining the department in the fall of 2022, Jason has consistently demonstrated his dedication and commitment to helping others. His eagerness to contribute and lend a hand is unmatched. He is always on the lookout for opportunities to help and is willing to take on any task, no matter how big or small. Whether it is preparing equipment or responding to emergency calls, Jason can always be counted on to put in his utmost effort. His cheerful outlook and willingness to go beyond makes him an invaluable asset to the department. Jason has a keen sense of community that goes beyond the fire department, he also volunteers his time with Meals on Wheels. Jason’s selfless nature and genuine desire to have influence truly makes him worthy of this recognition.

Nominated by: Cornwallis Park Community Association 
A. Tomaselli and G. Sauliner together

This is a mother/daughter dynamite team. Together they run the Friday night Meat Bingo at Felker Hall in Cornwallis Park. They have dedicated themselves to making sure everything is in place to run a smooth event. This includes ordering and collecting the meat every week, finding others to assist with the setup, tear down, bingo callers, ticket sellers, canteen operation, donations for special occasions, such as turkeys at Christmas, and anything else that is necessary to create a successful and fun event. They also volunteer with the monthly community breakfast at Felker Hall. Whenever possible they can be found assisting with other events that help to fundraise for the hall. The community is forever grateful to this dynamite team for all the time and dedication they put towards fundraising and helping to keep Felker Hall an exciting and dynamic community centre. 

R. Shano picSHANO, Ron
Nominated by: Bear River Fire Department (BRFD)

Ron came to the Bear River Fire Department three years ago after retiring from Halifax Regional Fire service where he served for over 20 years. He generously and openly offered his years of experience to help the fire department in any capacity. Ron is very proud of the fire service and its history. He spent countless hours  creating a museum-like atmosphere upstairs in the BRFD fire hall, collecting, sorting, and organizing an abundance of photos and fire artifacts reflecting the department's deep history. It was an honour to have Ron choose his last years in the fire service to with BRFD before retiring. Members miss the stories that Ron shared while he was an active member, but he still pops in occasionally to say "hi" and tell a story or two. The dedication an individual gives in 20 years as a volunteer in the fire service is extraordinary. Although Ron was only with the department a short time prior to his retirement, we would like to thank him for his commitment and efforts

N and M SeewaldNelson and Molly Seewald
Nominated by: Thalia Barn Cat Rescue

In the heart of Bridgetown lies a haven for feline friends in need. Amidst the rolling hills and quaint charm, Nelson and Molly have become beacons of compassion through their unwavering dedication to Thalia Barn Cat Rescue. Their journey began with a simple desire to make a difference in the lives of abandoned and stray cats. With open hearts and open doors, they welcomed these furry souls into their home, offering warmth, shelter, and love. Each day brought new challenges and triumphs, from nursing sick kittens back to health to helping shy cats learn to trust again. Through it all, Nelson and Molly stood steadfast, their commitment unwavering even in the face of adversity. Their kindness knows no bounds, extending not only to the cats in their care but also to the people they meet along the way. With patience and empathy, they educate others about the importance of spaying and neutering, responsible pet ownership, and the power of adoption. In a world often fraught with uncertainty, their unwavering dedication to the well-being of our feline friends serves as a shining example of the profound difference that love and kindness can make.

M. Smith cropped againSMITH, Matthew
Nominated by: Individual – Scott Hebb

Matt has been a volunteer over 25 plus years for the Annapolis Royal Volunteer Fire Department, where he has spent countless hours fundraising and serving the community. Matt also coaches children in sports in his free time. Along the way, he and his wife Melissa have raised a wonderful family of four children. Matt's non-judgmental attitude and willingness to take time for others is uplifting,

Nominated by” Cats For Keeps 

L. Sooley cropped pic
Lisa is being nominated because of the incredible work she has done in the past year to start the Cats For Keeps organization from scratch, rescuing 122 cats and kittens in the first year of operations. She has lead the charge on organizational development, fundraising, memberships, foster home recruitment, and events. Her steadfast desire to put the cats first means that, as a group, we have been able to grow our membership, our visibility, and our commitment to our community. Lisa has helped Cats For Keeps navigate all the usual issues that come with establishing a new charity as well as situations of animal abuse and abandonment, and of interpersonal relationships that arise with a large group of dedicated volunteers. She’s done it all with kindness and compassion - often putting Cats For keeps ahead of her own personal life. As an organization we are grateful, but as community members we see ourselves as so fortunate to be sharing Annapolis County with someone so dedicated to the well-being of us and the precious cats who are sometimes failed by us mere humans. 

M. Stoddart pic
Nominated by: Lawrencetown Volunteer Fire Department (LVFD)

Mike has been a dedicated member of the LVFD for the last 22 years,16 of them as Chief. His commitment has never wavered even while facing the multiple major health hurdles that he has had over this time. In addition to his job, extra-curriculars with the school, and the fire department, he has recently taken on the role of president of the Annapolis County Fire Service Association. Mike gives his time to serve Lawrencetown and the surrounding communities. Thank you, Mike. for the thousands of volunteer hours.

Nominated by: King’s Theatre Society
T. Summerville
Tracy moved to Nova Scotia in August of 2019 from Prince George, British Columbia where she was Professor of Political Science at the University of Northern British Columbia and a long-time community volunteer. She wanted to jump in right away and participate meaningfully in her new community. She is an active volunteer at King’s Theatre and at the Centrelea Community Hall. 

King’s Theatre Society
2023 – present Chair King’s Theatre Society Board Chair
2020-2023 - member of the Board playing many roles including: leading the Strategic Planning exercise; Secretary; Chair Governance Committee Chair; Interim Chair Human Resource Chair; Chair of the Tournament of Kings; Member of the Fundraising Committee.

King’s Theatre Community Theatre:
2022/2023 Rocky Horror Picture Show – Stage Manager
2023 Wizard of Oz – Stage Manager (called cues)
2023 ADDG Presents 1940s Radio Christmas Carol –Stage Manager Trainer
2023 King’s Theatre Cabaret – Stage Manager
2022 King’s Shorts, Ribeted By You, Director (Winner of the People’s Choice Award)
2022 King’s Shorts, Stage Manager
2022 Clark Rutherford School Theatre Production – Stage Manager
2022 ADDG Presents Bob’s Your Elf – Stage Manager
2021 ADDG Presents A Dash of Currie, Assistant Stage Manager

Centrelea Community Hall Society:
Organized hall rentals
2021 – 2023 President Centrelea Community Club Society,
2020-2023 a member of the Board where she played many roles - assisted with many fundraisers including a very successful on-line auction;
2021 Co-wrote the Covid-19 Policy
Assisted with the CORAH satellite events at hall
Organized the creation of the Memorial Little Library 

L. Titus picTITUS, Linda
Nominated by: Cats For Keeps

Linda is a valued volunteer with Cats For Keeps who has a long history of rescuing cats, both in Canada and the US. Linda is a passionate rescuer who engages in all aspects of the rescue operations – fostering, front-line rescues, taking cats to the vet, coordinating the other fosters, participating in events, and even making crafts and cat toys for fundraising. She has been a foster cat mom for more than 40 years, and has worked at Trap Neuter Release (TNR) clinics, trapped feral felines, and worked in a shelter as an adoption counselor. Linda gathers and shares helpful articles about cats to help everyone who loves cats build their knowledge. Her love of cats is infectious and she always has a story or two to share about wonderful cat-characters she has known. We are so fortunate to have the benefit of her energy, passion, and wisdom.

Nominated by: Thalia Barn Cat Rescue

L. Thibodeau picIn less than a year since its inception, Laura has demonstrated exceptional dedication and leadership in building Thalia Barn Cat Rescue into a remarkable organization. Through her unwavering determination, she has assembled a devoted team that shares her vision and values, resulting in the successful rescue of over 250 cats, including those who were sick and injured, within the first year of operations. Laura's role extends far beyond mere administrative duties; she actively participates in every aspect of the rescue process. Whether it's trapping cats, organizing fundraising events, or embarking on long journeys to transport felines for vital veterinary care, Laura's commitment knows no bounds. Her passion for animal welfare is evident in her actions, and her impact on the lives of countless felines and their human companions is immeasurable. Laura's leadership and hard work have not only saved lives but have also brought hope and joy to countless families throughout our community. In recognition of her exemplary service and profound dedication to the welfare of animals, I wholeheartedly recommend Laura for Volunteer Week recognition. Her contributions are a testament to the power of compassion and the difference that one individual can make in the lives of many.

C. White picWHITE, Cathy
Nominated by: Cats For Keeps

Cathy is a dedicated cat rescuer and a very busy mom with a job, who still manages to find time to rescue large numbers of cats every year despite her hectic schedule. Cathy has rescued cats at all hours, in all seasons, and all conditions. She has handled very challenging situations with a rare combination of grace, tact, knowledge, tenacity, and resourcefulness. She's a tireless friend to innocent cats in need of help. An excellent networker, Cathy has weaved together our resources with partnering organizations and programs to bring large-scale rescues to successful completion. She has been a crucial part of the rescue efforts of Cats For Keeps during our inaugural year of operations in Annapolis County. Dozens of cats are now treasured family members in happy homes thanks to her rescues in 2023 alone, and even more have received spay and neuter to prevent disease and suffering.

Nominated by: Round Hill and Recreation Commission
C. Whitman pic
Cindy was raised in the community of Round Hill. Her younger years were spent following in her parents' footsteps volunteering in the community. No job was too big or too small. Cindy's love for her community and Bishop Park continues to this day. Bishop Park's summer ball program is a longtime, annual tradition which Cindy took over many years ago, and continues to run. Whether the program is encouraging children to stay active and support healthy living, or just a fun, safe place to make new friends, none of it could happen without Cindy's dedication. We are appreciative of Cindy's hard work to both her fellow committee members and the community. It is an honour to work beside her.  

D. Wright photoWRIGHT, Della
Nominated by: Cornwallis Park Community Association

Della is new to the Board; however, she has made quite the impact in her short time there. She has organized two successful music events at Felker Hall and is always on the lookout for more entertainment events. She has raised funds by selling tickets on a homemade blanket made by a 92-year-old woman, and she has helped with groceries for the local school food program. Della is always available and helpful, and her kind heart and easy-going nature makes her a definite asset to the Cornwallis Park Community Association and Felker Hall. We are so thankful she has joined our Board and would like to take this opportunity to recognize your volunteer spirit.

Port Royal Lighthouse Association Founding Board
Nominated by: Kathy Kayo

PR Lighthouse Assoc Board august 2023 002

The Port Royal Lighthouse Association Founding Board is comprised of six dedicated individuals - Becky Benoit, Allan & Medea Holtz, Mary Ritchie, Randy Swigart, and Andrew Welch. Established in 2022, the Association’s single goal is to restore, preserve and maintain the Schafner Point Lighthouse situated in Port Royal. Known locally as the Port Royal Lighthouse, the heritage structure was built in 1885, and is the oldest surviving lighthouse in the Annapolis Basin. Restoring the building was no easy task. The corner posts, sheathing, and upper sills were rotted and needed replacing, the lantern gallery topper required restoring, old windowpanes has to be replaced with new glass, the entire building needed to be re-shingled and stained. New stairs and an entry landing were constructed to replicate those from early photos, and the front door was stripped and refinished using 'Signal Red' linseed-oil stain. By the summer of 2023, the group had raised over $120,000 through fundraising, grants, and business sponsorships. As local residents and tourists alike travelled Granville Road by various modes of transportation during the summer and fall of 2023, they saw the lighthouse’s amazing transformation take place. In November of this past year, the completion of the Schafner Point Lighthouse was proudly celebrated by Granville Road residents/Association members in a dedication ceremony. The founding Port Royal Lighthouse Association Board will waste no time sharing the applause with many local volunteers who sacrificed their time and energy; however, it was the Port Royal Lighthouse Association Board that had a very clear vision and quickly brought it to fruition. The members can be very proud of their hard work and dedication for not only did they raise the funds and oversee the project but had the wherewithal to obtain ownership of the building and found the Association. They have preserved an important piece of Nova Scotia’s history. Shown here in the photo is the Port Royal Lighthouse Association Founding Board: From left, (standing) Randy Swigart, (sitting, back row) Mary Ritchie, Becky Benoit, Medea Holtz, (front row) Andrew Welch, and (standing, right) Allan Holtz.